My life had been full of interesting adventures, contradictions, searching, hope and despair. Then I discovered another world, not unlike the one before, yet completely different. In this new world, anything and everything can be a source of happiness and joy.


My name is Ágnes Nagygyörgy.

I am an intuition and energy guide, clairsentient and visual artist.

From my early childhood I felt a powerful call to all that is invisible, intangible. The study of human consciousness, spiritual traditions and methods have accompanied me throughout my whole adult life.

It has been a long journey to my current vocation, but I feel I have finally found my true purpose in life.

I was born in Hungary and had lived there until I got my MA degree (JATE, University of Szeged, 1990).

Then I moved to the US, where I studied Fine Arts and got my MFA in Sculpture in 1994 (UofO, OR.)

That same year I got married, also in America, and we moved to Belgium. My husband, Filip Van Kerckhoven, is a Belgian artist. We later had two sons, who have since grown into wonderful young adults.

I taught fine arts, mostly sculpture, for nearly 30 years in private schools and fine arts academies in Belgium and worked as an artist for over 20 years.

My artistic intuition and sensibilty have gradually been replaced by another form of intuition: the ability to perceive the fine energies that surround and inhabit us. I arrived in the world that I had been looking for: invisible yet permeating everything.

This is where I had always longed to be. I have finally found my true place.

Studying the fine energies of the body and mind, the chakras, and later the aura and the mysteries of spiritual energies became the focus of my life. Step by step, the Energy Courses were born and very intense work began, both with groups and individually: Live and online sessions and classes in Hungarian, Dutch and English.

I had never been attracted to the esoteric in the modern sense of the word, the often superficial call of the New Age. I have always felt close to the simple, the pure, the natural. The basis and aim of everything I do, is to transmit knowledge in a simple, straightforward, humane and above all tangible, practical way.



and The Secrets of Looking (SoL) Retreat Center

After more than 30 years abroad, I felt it was time to return to my roots in Hungary. Returning home, going back to the past, was an essential condition for renewal.

In 2019, I founded The Secret of Looking Retreat Centre (SoL Center), which hosts individual and group retreats.



All human life is driven by an inner force, a deep desire that compels us to act. Often we do not know what this force is or what to do with it. Need and desperation drive us to seek solutions to resolve our constant doubts: what is the right thing to do?

The path to solutions may seem difficult and arduous, but as we move forward, the direction gradually unfolds before us and pulls the veil from our eyes. We move from the specific, personal questions of our lives to the bigger, broader questions of life:

Why am I here? What is the purpose of my existence?

On our path, which is life itself, we learn everything we need in order to become who we really are.

On my long and winding journey, marked by sickness and despair, the light began to shine when I discovered – thanks to the wisdom of others -, that it is all a matter of how I look at things and that by changing the way I look, my life can and will also change.

That it is all a matter of consciousness.

When I understood this and began to integrate it into my life, my life purpose emerged: to pass on to others what I had experienced and learned myself, teaching from the heart, the only true source of wisdom. So my teachings and courses were born: the Basic Energy Course; the Course on Relational Energies; the Spiritual Energy Retreat; the online Chakra Course; two 5-day retreats: one on the Energies of Creation and Manifestation and the advanced retreat on the Basics of Clairsentience.

Giving individual guidance based on clairsentient observations has become a major part of my professional life. 

The SoL Retreat Center was born in Hungary.

Change is possible. I know it from my own experience.

My life purpose is to help you with this change, to be a small link in your happiness.

Thank you for joining me.

Thank you for your trust.




I was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1966

1985-1990: Universitary studies at JATE, Szeged (MA)

1990-1994: I lived and studied in the US (Universitary studies in the U.S. (MFA)

1994-2019: I lived and worked in Belgium as an independent artist and was teaching sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Aarschot and in Turnhout

In 2018 I developed and started to teach my workshops for intuitive self-development and self-knowledge through creativity (originally called The Secrets’s of Looking) in Belgium and Hungary.

In 2022 I developed and started to teach a full energy curriculum called The Visible and Beyond starting from a basic energy course and ending with a 5-day course on Clairsentience.

Since 2019, I have been living and working partly in Hungary as an intuition and energy guide and teaching online and offline courses and meditation.

In 2019 I created the SoL Retreat Center in Hungary.


Self-development and spirituality:

Since 1990 I have been practicing meditation and have engaged in consciousness development:
zen meditation, yoga, tai-chi, chi-kung, Silva method and mindfulness.

In 2014-2015 I completed the full Avatar training (Harry Palmer) and obtained the title of Avatar Master.

In 2019-2022, I participated in Lélekhang, a spitiual energy training by Mária Filotás in Hungary.

Energetic studies:

Since 2019, I have actively studied the subtle energies of the body and consciousness and familiarized myself with quantum theories.

My teachers (although I have never met them in person) and sources of inspiration have been: Barbara Ann Brennan, Donna Eden, Jeffrey Allen and Anodea Judith, Cyndi Dale, Garry Zukav.

University degrees and diplomas:

Master of Arts, József Attila University, Hungary, 1990.

Master of Fine Arts, University of Oregon, USA,1994.


Scholarships and Awards:

During my university studies, I received several scholarships for my academic achievements in Hungary, Italy and the US.

I have won awards for my artwork in the US and Belgium.