This short article is about the greatest discovery of my life: being clairsentient.
What is clairsentience and can you become it?
One thing is obvious to me: clairvoyance and clairsentience are completely natural skills that, in my opinion, anyone can develop. I use the word ‘develop’ because I think we all already have it. I myself had never consciously done anything to learn it, in fact I was hardly aware of its existence. True enough, when I first discovered it in myself, my life and everything I had thought about life until then changed completely. This was the beginning of the greatest adventure of my life!
Everyone is able to perceive the physical signals in their own body, in the most basic form: pain or pleasure. When we pay closer attention to these signals, we cannot ignore that different thoughts and emotions can be felt in different ways and parts in the body. However we usually translate these signs into: „I feel good” or „I don’t feel good” or “it hurts” or “it doesn’t hurt”.
The more we open ourselves to the various bodily sensations we perceive within ourselves, the more nuanced and diverse we can understand their language. A wonderful world unfolds before us with endless nuances. With it the power and beauty of our physical existence increases and our respect for our body grows. We find ourselves in a new world, the world of energies! In the world of energies thoughts and feelings appear in us as energies we can feel and experience. All these energies carry information. And so an intimate communication begins.
Who would not like to better understand what is happening within him or her and the energies that underlie the events of life? This alone is a very important step in our lives and in our attitude towards ourselves and life in general. So, to say the least, it is well worth fine-tuning our attention towards this inner compass of our existence.
Clairsentience – the way I see and apply it -, goes one step further. It means that one not only feels the energies flowing or stagnating in one’s own body, but can perceive the same in others as well. To put it simply: clairsentience means that one can not only see with his own eyes that someone is furious, for example, but he or she can also feel the energy of the rage and even detect what is causing it, at what level the energy is stuck or blocked in that person’s system. The clairsentient does not take part in the event yet can feel the energy behind it. Moreover, a true clairsentient reading does not require the observed person to be present, or for the clairsentient to even be acquainted with him or her personally.
How is this possible? Although it is truly magical, yet it is neither magic nor witchcraft. It is simply how energies seem to work.
Without entering into details and specifics, we can observe and state that every person, every being on earth – although for most people invisible with the naked eye -, has an energy field, a cloud of energy, an aura, surrounding him. The energies in the body and in the aura are constantly in motion and transform themselves due to external and internal influences. Each individual energy field is connected to a Universal energy field which contains all the information. The basis and essence of clairsentience is to open up and refine our own sensibility in such a way that we can tune into the intangible information these subtle energies carry and accept that they exist even if we cannot perceive them through our five senses.
I had practiced meditation for over 3 decades. Work in consciousness, the active transformation of my belief systems, the study of the chakras, using intuition as my guide have been my focus for many years. I have trained myself for years to turn my attention to the signals of my pain-ridden body and try to understand them.
Then, a few years ago, sitting in an airplane far above the clouds, I discovered that when I thought of a friend, everything in my body and my energy system changed. When I thought of yet another friend the same thing happened again, I underwent a complete transformation on the inside. During the rest of the flight I went over a whole series of friends and acquaintances observing how different I felt each time. Eventually the plane landed but I didn’t land with it in the same physical reality… and I never have…
In the following period I applied my new and mysterious skill to people I knew. I wanted to feel them, experience their energy. In the next phase I went on to acquaintances of acquaintances so I could get feedback on the accuracy of my observations on people I didn’t know. Not long after that, others, people I did not know personally, began to contact me to feel them and read their energies.
Gradually, my energetic observations began to occupy more and more of my attention and my time. My life began to change at a rapid pace. The smaller and larger pieces of the puzzle of my past found their organic place in this new context. What was before, all the illnesses I went through, my hypersensitivity, it all began to make sense.
Thus a complete transformation of my life took place in a very short time, leading to so much more joy in life and a very different and much clearer view of what life is really about.
This transformation was the beginning of a larger transformation that eventually shifted all the visible, material aspects of my life.
… We never arrive. The goal and scope of life keep transforming, rolling ahead of us. All we need to do is just gather the courage to follow!
Thank you for reading!