Many people have asked me about how I developed the ability of clairsentience and what this mystical-sounding concept really means.
I would like to answer this question briefly in this post.
I don’t think I was born with any special abilities, although I have always been very sensitive and drawn to the invisible.
Hypersensitivity was a negative experience in my childhood and led to a wide variety of illnesses and the suffering that goes with them from a young age.
As is very often the case, it is precisely the need arising from suffering that brings about the great changes and gives true direction to our lives. It had taken me great effort to get out of many, many illnesses and pains.
My path led me to consciousness-work, where I soon realized that the key to most things is nothing more than our own mental attitude and learning to see the obstacles we create for ourselves.
I attended various courses, for which I am infinitely grateful, because they all helped me and taught me not to live in my head, but to learn to feel and experience things. One of the things I practiced incessantly was feeling objects, thus putting my consciousness outside myself. I was always amazed that this was possible.
I also practiced meditation, which was very difficult at first, but eventually I reached a deep inner silence, in which I realized that I had no idea who I really was. I think it was in this deep inner silence that I touched upon the ability of clairsentience in myself. In fact I’m sure it has always been there, as I believe it to be a sense that we all possess.
Clairsentience is not a paranormal ability, nor is it witchcraft.
Anyone can feel the usual, measurable energies such as heat or movement.
The same is true of the subtle energies that surround us and flow within us. These energies – if our perception is sufficiently refined -, can be seen, felt or otherwise interacted with.
At a certain point I realized that I could sense the subtle energies of others. This realization surprised me a great deal and led me to studying and practicing this skill more deeply. I came across very interesting books written by scientists, scholars and visionaries about the universal energy field and quantum phenomena.
Let me explain in a few words how I read subtle energies.
The prerequisite is complete mental silence and neutrality. If these are not there, then our thoughts, habit patterns, judgments form the most dominant energies that suppress the subtler perceptions. In my opinion, this is the very obstacle for anyone unable to feel subtle energies. Because in fact, as I always say – and which always provokes a great deal of disbelief and laughter -, clairsentient perception is not difficult at all.
The first step in the process is to empty myself completely in a short meditation until I am not influenced by any mental images or thoughts. Then I ask the Universe (or God if you please) to feel the person’s energies. This I do through his or her name. I open up the space around me and tune into the subtle energies that appear. Feeling these energies happens immediately, without delay. It is not necessary for the person to be present, considering the fact that energy is a non-local phenomenon. I observe the chakras, the different aura layers, the relationship energies that influence the given person. Often scenes of the past appear or words that had been spoken can be heard.
It amazes me every time how all the information is always there!
Why is it important to read subtle energies?
Getting your energies read by someone is a gift you give yourself.
Energies don’t lie. Energy reading reveals the reality that you really live in and not the facade shown to the outside world. We often don’t really understand the difference and suffer from the tension between the outer and inner reality. When someone who doesn’t know you personally (in this case me) reveals what is to be read in your energies it is often a confirmation of what you have suspected but didn’t dare to face. It is a relief to hear the truth or it can give you permission to go in a certain direction in your life.
There are of course ethical implications to energy reading. It is important to know that this work can only be done from the purity of your heart with positive intentions towards the person whose energy you read. Everyone knows, and perhaps many of us have experienced, how much damage can be done by judgements and predictions cast upon us by someone.
I truly believe in self-reliance. Knowing yourself and relating to yourself on a subtle level is your ultimate tool in life. My goal is to teach people self-reliance and personal responsibility via the ability to feel instead of rationalizing, to use their intuition instead of calculating. I have experienced countless times, both in myself and in others, that this is the only way to true freedom and happiness.
Before I developed the ability of clairsentience I had never realized so clearly that life was an immense miracle, with so much more going on on all levels than we see superficially. All these wonders are always present and available to us. Thank you, Universe!